Saturday, 21 April 2012

20 April - Wow what a day!

So much to catch up on.  
It started this morning with collecting my running vest from the printers and it is Awesome :)  They always say that having your name on your shirt is a really good idea because then the crowds can see it and shout it out which helps especially when you're starting to flag - Obviously the vest, very importantly is sponsored by the Epilepsy Society, but the print is very bold white so I did wonder if my name next to theirs would really stand out, so instead I went with pink to try and make it stand out a bit.  I really wanted to get Tina's name on it 2, but there wasn't much space on the front once the number is on, so I got them to add '4 TINA' on the back

The printers, were really helpful and although the VLM (Virgin London Marathon) people have sent lots of links through for their preferred printer, I was really pleased to keep the work local.  The VLM printers had been asking £8-12 , but when I picked it up this morning, Shirty Something refused to take any payment - How lovely, it made me smile all morning :D .

I finally got out for my 3mile run today which I'd put off from Wednesday, because of the horrible weather we've been having.  Even though I've ended up doing this run closer to the race than is ideal, I thought it was better to do that than risk catching a cold so close to the date by running in the rain.  I thought I'd give the Runkeeper App that my friend had used in Paris, a go , but I got a bit confused (a frequent occurrence with me) and actually set off another running app instead, Doh!  I'm going to have to give it a bit of a playaround in London tomorrow to see if I can sort it.  If I don't manage to sort it, there's always the official VLM tracking at which should hopefully work.  There wasn't any official real time tracking last year, but they did have it a couple of years ago and it worked really well.

And the other brilliant news of the day?  Lots of sponsorship for the Epilepsy Society.  Over £400 donated today alone (not to mention the 25% extra with Gift Aid).  There were quite a few big single donations in today too and it really does make me feel quite emotional to have such a response.  Sunday is really going to be a day of so many different emotions - Just the thought of the money people have donated will make me well up, but I know I'm going to be weepy because Tina is not going to be here to see how much she has inspired people to give and help others - I'd better take a few tissues with me 

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