Sunday, 15 April 2012

14 Apr - Easy 3 miles & shopping

First of all spent the day shopping for a few of those pieces of running kit that I'm needing before the big run next week.  Embarrassed to say my shorts were chaffing a bit when I did the Oakley 20 a couple of weeks ago (7lb heavier than I was last year unfortunately, but at least I've lost 1/2 of the stone I'd put on over the winter) .  And how lucky was I to find a pair in purple that match my Epilepsy Society running vest :) .  Hopefully it will make me an easier target for my family to spot me in the crowds next week.  Next job on the agenda was to sort me out with (hands over your ears guys)   ....... a sports bra!   Lots of them around, some of them a bit too thick a fabric and heavy and others unfortunately a bit too heavy on my budget.  But on the fortunate side of the equation my boobs aren't too big ;)   and hence don't need too much support so a fairly cheap one from Decathlon seemed to do the job.  It got a brief try out today but only 3 miles, so will be checking it out again tomorrow on the 12 miler.

And as to how the run went today, pretty good actually, although I nearly forgot to do it with the shopping trip. An easy run for me is supposed to be 10:05 - 10:25 pace,  but just couldn't run that slow (funny how over 16 weeks perception of easy changes).  I ended up running it at 09.39 min mile.  It'll be interesting to see if I can keep up the steady pace tomorrow as well.

One important thing to be mentioned is that most of my other skydiving friends that dabble in long distance running are doing the Paris Marathon tomorrow.  So I'm wishing all the best to Audrey, Maria, Jo, Craig, Ian and Martina for their run tomorrow :D   I'm really envious of them out there running it as a lovely group, just as 7 of us did 18 months ago in Budapest.  But I've got my fit cuz Louise to start off with me next week, even if we don't finish together :).  Oh yes and my lovely family and the amazing London crowds :)  Only 4 more runs to do first.

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